This was a birthday gift from my mom and sister. It was made by Spoontiques and is marked as item #HM1533.
Author Archives: Moby
The Alternate World
“The Alternate World” was a Christmas gift from my mom and sister. It’s from the Tudor Mint (item #3879) and was designed by J. Ascagh in 2001.
Another Opens
This was a wedding anniversary gift. It’s called “Another Opens”. It was made by Tamara Hensick Designs.
Ghast and Crypt Door
This is a Reaper mini called Ghast and Crypt Door (#03244).
Way of Peace Doorway
My wife bought the Way of Peace doorway for me for Christmas. “for you will go before the lord to prepare his ways … to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” — Luke 1: 76-79 Set deep into …
Rock Archway
This rock archway was a Christmas gift from my wife. She bought it from one of those temporary Christmas stores that pop-up in the malls during the holidays. It was made by Roman, Inc. and dated 1997. I’m guessing it was designed to be use as an additional piece in nativity scenes. Front Back …